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- NewtNews-Info-2.0.3
- ===================
- Hello! My name is Steve Holden <sholden@ridgecrest.ca.us>, and I am a
- happy Newton MessagePad 110 user. I am also the editor and publisher
- of NewtNews. If you are not sure of what NewtNews is, then please
- continue reading the following document. Hopefully it will explain just
- about everything there is to know about NewtNews.
- Table of Contents
- -----------------
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Frequency
- 3. Formats
- 4. Setext Mini-FAQ
- 5. Reading NewtNews with EasyView
- 6. Email Listserver
- 7. Posting To Online Services
- 8. FTP
- 9. Business
- 10. Reviews
- 11. Need A Newton Programmer?
- 12. Who's Who at NewtNews
- 13. Software Used to Build NewtNews
- 14. Where Can I Get Other Newton information?
- 15. Legal Stuff
- 16. Conclusion
- Introduction
- ------------
- NewtNews is a weekly Internet based newsletter that focuses on the
- Apple Newton and related technologies.
- NewtNews attempts to summarize the mainstream and industry press, USENET
- News, and email information about the Newton. This should help Newton
- Users in three ways:
- 1. they can quickly find out about important Newton
- information;
- 2. it should galvanize the Newton community to see that
- the Newton is really everywhere and doing really
- cool stuff; and
- 3. provide a viable forum for advertisers of Newton
- products.
- I'm really sold on the Newton/PDA concept, so NewtNews is my
- contribution to the Newton community. If a revolution and then an
- eventual evolution is going to take place, everyone must make some sort
- of contribution.
- Frequency
- ---------
- There is an attempt to publish NewtNews on a weekly basis. This is not a
- guarantee but since July 1994 we have been publishing on a weekly
- basis. The release date is scheduled for Mondays. NewtNews will always
- be an end-user freeware newsletter.
- Formats
- -------
- ** TEXT **
- NewtNews is primarily published in text format. This text is formatted
- in the setext format. This format allows for easy viewing in outline
- form using Easy View or any other sv setext browser. [More information is
- available below on setext.]
- NewtNews also publishes NewtNews in Newton Book format. The only way
- to currently get this version is by ftp at:
- <ftp://newton.uiowa.edu/submissions>
- ** WWW **
- NewtNews is also converted into HTML and published on the WWW. Our site
- has been up and running since early August 1994. Point your favorite
- WWW browser at:
- <http://www.ridgecrest.ca.us/NewtNews/NN_top.html>
- ** SAVVY **
- If you are a busy Internet savvy individual then NewtNews_Savvy is for
- you. This version of NewtNews is pretty much exactly the same as the
- free version of NewtNews. The main difference is that there is only
- Newton and PDA information in this version. No Macintosh Newsletters,
- no Edupage, no iNews, etc. ... except when Newton information is
- included in these sources. The other big bonus about NewtNews_Savvy is
- that it does get email out a little quicker then NewtNews. There is a
- modest yearly subscription fee of $20 for 52 issues. Please send me
- email if you are interested in this service.
- ** OTHERS **
- Other formats are planned for the future:
- - NewtNews_Pro: Monthly review of NewtNews issues in Acrobat format.
- - NewtNews_DB: A weekly database version in FileMakerPro for easy
- search and retrieval, plus with a good GUI (Mac & Windows support).
- - NewtNews_OpenDoc: As more information becomes available, more
- plans will be released.
- Please send me email if you have any questions about these or have any
- suggestions.
- Setext Mini-FAQ
- ---------------
- For information about setext, the Structure-Enhanced Text markup,
- including a highly-illuminative net.discussion from 1993 on the
- advantages of it in small-scale email-based communications over other,
- more established but also more _explicit_ forms of graphic markup,
- point your WWW-browser at: <http://www.bsdi.com/setext/>.
- Though setext does not require any special tools to be read in the
- usual, linear fashion (any text editor or pager will do!) the same
- text, if read with a dedicated browser, will usually appear in a
- structured, outline-like fashion with an integral, clickable table of
- contents and possible other enhancements such as styled text etc
- (depending on what's been implemented in the front-end... rendering of
- the setext is a function of the browser, not of the data format).
- Setext clients are stored in (also accessible via FTP):
- <http://www.eff.org/pub/Net_info/Tools/HTML_Setext_Acrobat/>
- <gopher://gopher.eff.org:70/11/Net_info/Tools/HTML_Setext_Acrobat/>
- and a 2-page instruction on how to integrate sv, the setext client for
- Unix, into the WWW-framework may be found at:
- <http://hospex.icm.edu.pl/hospex/setext-config.html>
- Reading NewtNews with EasyView
- ------------------------------
- [Originally written by Randy Chevrier <paintmaster@genie.geis.com> and
- Tony Lindsey <xxltony@cts.com>. Modified for NewtNews by Steve Holden
- <sholden@ridgecrest.ca.us>.]
- ** STEPS **
- 1. First create a folder (anywhere) where you will keep all your
- NewtNews files. Put one or more NewtNews files in the folder. Your
- NewtNews files should have a file type of TEXT. (It doesn't seem to
- matter what creator it has. I've used 3 or 4 programs to create plain
- text files and EasyView reads them all.)
- 2. Start up EasyView.
- 3. Select New from the File menu and save a New View in the folder that
- contains all of your NewtNews text files. I call that file NewtNews
- Index. (This is the file that you will launch to read NewtNews.) You
- should now have a blank window with 3 scroll boxes; 2 small & 1 large.
- 4. Select Preferences from the Edit menu. Make sure the following boxes
- are checked: [X] Auto-modify View [X] Use styles [X] Include all files
- in folder. Also the format should be 'setext.'
- 5. Select Save from the File menu to save this view.
- 6. Quit and then double-click on your NewtNews Index file. You will
- see the names of the issues in the upper right box, and the text of the
- selected section in the lower box. (Hint: Press space to move easily
- through the entire view.)
- 7. Each time you get a new NewtNews, put it in this folder. When you
- open the 'NewtNews Index' file it will add the new file to your list of
- available issues.
- 8. Remember to read the 'Easy View - Read Me' file for more
- documentation on the program.
- <http://www.eff.org/pub/Net_info/Tools/HTML_Setext_Acrobat/>
- <gopher://gopher.eff.org:70/11/Net_info/Tools/HTML_Setext_Acrobat/
- <ftp://mirror.aol.com//mir02/INFOMAC/info-mac/text/easy-view-261.hqx>
- You can reach the author of EasyView at: Akif Eyler
- <eyler@bilkent.edu.tr>.
- ** YOU CAN ... **
- ... also use the above instructions on TidBITS, Mac*Chat, or any other
- setext file.
- Email Listserver
- ----------------
- This is the best way to get NewtNews because it will be delivered to
- your email box in text. This list will not get very much traffic. It
- is not a discussion list, all posts must go through an approval
- process.
- You must have the following text in the body of your message:
- subscribe newt_news
- It does not matter what your SUBJECT: is.
- If you are on the Internet, eWorld, or AOL you can place the following
- address in your TO:
- <majordomo@tristero.io.com>
- If you are on CompuServe your TO: must be in this format:
- internet:majordomo@tristero.io.com
- (entered at 'Send to:' prompt)
- If you are on AppleLink your TO: must be in this format:
- majordomo@tristero.io.com@internet#
- Send the below text in the body of your message to
- <Majordomo@pentagon.io.com>:
- unsubscribe newt_news <<your email address>>
- If you have any questions about the policy of the list owner, please
- contact <newt_news-approval@tristero.io.com>. For help on majordomo
- functions, send mail to <majordomo@tristero.io.com> with the word
- 'help' in the body of the message (excluding the quotes). If you have
- questions about the email list please contact: Bob "NewtNews mailing
- list guy" Torres <btorres@io.com>.
- ** WARNING **
- The above services may or may not have some sort of service fee for
- sending and receiving Internet email. And may frown upon joining an
- email list. There is also a possibility that NewtNews will get "sliced
- and diced" into several messages because of its length. If you are
- having troubles subscribing to NewtNews please contact the respective
- email help provided by the service.
- Posting To Online Services
- --------------------------
- NewtNews is posted in setext format to the USENET newsgroup:
- comp.sys.newton.misc on a weekly basis.
- This version of NewtNews is also posted to:
- eWorld by David Mac Makin <Makin@aol.com>
- CompuServe by William J. Fickas <76270.3222@compuserve.com>
- AOL by Phillip M. Torrone <PDCPhil@aol.com>
- AppleLink by Steve Linke <SteveLinke@eworld.com>
- ---
- You can anonymously FTP the latest and past issues of NewtNews in both
- text and Macintosh Newton book format from:
- <ftp://ftp.io.com/pub/usr/btorres/NewtNews>
- This is the official home of NewtNews. It is administered by Bob
- Torres <btorres@io.com>.
- NewtNews (setext and Newton Book) can also be found at:
- <ftp://newton.uiowa.edu/submissions>
- <ftp://newton.uiowa.edu/pub/newton/misc/Newton_News>
- <ftp://ftp.amug.org/pub/newton/news/newt-news>
- Business
- --------
- I am a pro-business on the Internet person, but I think the Internet has
- its own kind of rules on advertisement. If you advertise - it should
- be simple, direct, and unobtrusive So, NewtNews has a specific area in
- Newton news for advertisement. If a reader is not interested, then they
- can skip it.
- Please contact me if you are interested in advertising in NewtNews
- and we can discuss the options. NewtNews offers advertising
- opportunities in the setext, Newton book, and WWW versions. It is
- probably the quickest, and cheapest way to get information to Newton
- users worldwide.
- Reviews
- -------
- Anyone can do a review, as long as they are truthful and don't have a
- financial interest in a product.
- The ideal review would be formatted like previous reviews done in
- NewtNews. The review should not be longer than one page of text. It
- should include the cost of the product, and contact information for
- getting a hold of the maker of the product. Email is preferred,
- phone numbers tolerated, but snail mail is shunned.
- Reviews may be changed by the Editor, but if changes are made the
- author will have final say on revisions. Formatting decisions will
- always be at the discretion of the Publisher. If you are interested
- in a topic, please send email to the Reviews Editor - Bob Torres
- <btorres@io.com>. The Reviews Editor requests that all reviews be
- turned in on Thursday to be included into the first available issue.
- If you would like your product to be reviewed, please send email
- to the Reviews Editor, and he will coordinate the logistics.
- Need A Newton Programmer?
- -------------------------
- NewtNews has a list of over 25 Internet based Newton programmers who are
- interested in working on vertical or horizontal market applications.
- Please send me email if you would like the document or would like to be
- added to the document.
- Who's Who at NewtNews
- ---------------------
- Steve Holden, Editor and Publisher, <sholden@ridgecrest.ca.us>
- Bob Torres, Reviews Editor, FTP Site Administrator, Email Listserver
- Administrator, <btorres@io.com>
- Dan Pollack, Publisher of HTML Version, WWW Site Administrator,
- <dpollack@ridgecrest.ca.us>
- Mark Heringer, Publisher of Newton Book Version, <4535904@mcimail.com>
- Software Used to Build NewtNews
- -------------------------------
- NewtNews primarily written using Bare Bones Software's BBEdit 3.1.1.
- BBEdit is an excellent text editor, HTML editor, PowerTalk emailer, and
- is AppleScript, Drag&Drop, and QuickDraw GX savvy. It is also a very
- good programmers tool that is easily integrated with CodeWarrior or
- Symantec development environments. I highly recommend it. For more
- information you can contact: <bbsw@netcom.com>.
- Other programs NewtNews uses: Eudora, Value Added Newswatcher, Anarchie,
- Netscape, ClarisWorks, AppleScript, HoverBar, OtherMenu, ScrapIt Pro,
- StuffIt Deluxe, QuickBooks, Acrobat, Newton Tool Kit 1.0.1, Newton
- BookMaker, and FileMaker Pro.
- NewtNews is certified 100% Microsoft Safe.
- Where Can I Get Other Newton information?
- -----------------------------------------
- Check out the following sites. If you find that these sites are not
- operational, please let NewtNews know.
- <ftp://ftp.amug.org/pub/newton/resources/>
- <http://amug.org/amug_newton.html>
- <http://www.netaxs.com/~archimag/reevw.html>
- <http://www.iicm.tu-graz.ac.at/CNewtReport>
- Need technical support? Call: (800) SOS-APPL or if you have an eWorld
- account and use the ASKAPPLE discussion board service.
- Legal Stuff
- -----------
- NewtNews Copyright 1994-95 Steve Holden. All rights reserved.
- Non-profit, non-commercial publications may reprint articles if full
- credit is given. Others please contact me. NewtNews doesn't guarantee
- accuracy of articles. NewtNews does not express or imply any
- endorsement of any businesses participating in this publication.
- Publication, product, and company names may be registered trademarks
- of their companies. All trademarks used in this publication are for
- informational purposes only and to the benefit of the trademark
- owner, with no intention of infringing on that trademark. Edupage and
- Innovation have given NewtNews permission to reproduce their articles
- without modification.
- Conclusion
- ----------
- If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to ask. I'm
- very interested in any comments, suggestions, etc. ... you might
- have.
- Sincerely,
- Steve Holden <sholden@ridgecrest.ca.us>
- Editor and Publisher of NewtNews